Targeting the Ultimate Sources of Aging

Have you ever wondered why some people age faster than others? Aging may be inevitable but the rate of aging is not. Have you ever heard comments like,”He’s a very young 75” or, “She’s 40 going on 80?” Why is it that some people look much younger than they actually are? The answer to that is genetics, the ultimate sources of aging.

Scientist have long believed that biological aging results from changes links to hormones or genes within the body, and is particularly noticeable in the appearance of our skin.

Studies have shown that the accumulation of genetic damage in our cells is a major contributor to how we age and that the speed of our aging process is entirely dependent on our management of this DNA damage accumulation over time.

While this fact has been known for years, there were not many strategies to counter the effects due to the lack of knowledge in how these molecules work. As such, majority of products and technologies on the market only deal with the signs of aging and not the sources of aging.

However, scientists have now discovered that not all DNA are created equal and that certain areas of DNA play an important role in aging. Nu Skin have discovered that the ultimate sources of aging lie in a group of genes we call Youth Gene Clusters (YGCs), whose level of activity determines how we express aging. The key is increasing the level of activity of the ‘good’ genes (expresses youthful attributes) and reducing the level of activities of the ‘bad’ genes (expresses attributes of aging). In order to bring out the youthfulness from within, ageLOC™ technology focuses on three steps: Target, Identify and Reset.











Through our partnership with Lifegen Technologies, a US-based genomics company opened up over 30 years of experience in research into the genetic basis of aging, Nu Skin was able to target the ultimate sources of aging at a genetic level.


After a meaningful search of the Human Genome, Nu Skin was able to locate the group of genes (Youth Gene Clusters) that are responsible for aging.


Armed with this knowledge, Nu Skin partnered with Stanford University to incorporate ageLOC™ science into product development, resulting in innovative products that reset or “re-balance” the activity of these YGCs.

Science of ageLOC™

Once re-balanced, our bodies will naturally express a more youthful appearance, whether in the suppleness of our skin, evenness in skin tone, skin hydration, among others

Nu Skin had incorporated ageLOC™ science into its skin care products as well as nutritional supplements to target the ultimate sources of aging and help everyone in their live young quest.

Find out how you can look much younger than your age and keep looking young as you age.
Find out how you can regain your vigor, mental acuity and sexual drive of your twenties, even though you are in your forties, fifties or even beyond.


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