Glycemic Index

The glycemic index measures how fast a food is likely to raise your blood sugar. This can be helpful. For example, if your blood sugar is low and continuing to drop during exercise, you would prefer to eat a carb that will raise your blood sugar quickly. On the other hand, if you would like to keep your blood sugar from dropping during a few hours of mild activity, you may prefer to eat a carb that has a lower glycemic index and longer action time. If your blood sugar tends to spike after breakfast, you may want to select a cereal that has a lower glycemic index.
The numbers below give that food's glycemic index based on glucose, which is one of the fastest carbohydrates available. Glucose is given an arbitrary value of 100 and other carbs are given a number relative to glucose. Faster carbs (higher numbers) are great for raising low blood sugars and for covering brief periods of intense exercise. Slower carbs (lower numbers) are helpful for preventing overnight drops in the blood sugar and for long periods of exercise.
Note that these numbers are compiled from a wide range of research labs, and often from more than one study. These numbers will be close but may not be identical to other glycemic index lists. The impact a food will have on the blood sugar depends on many other factors such as ripeness, cooking time, fiber and fat content, time of day, blood insulin levels, and recent activity. Use the Glycemic Index as just one of the many tools you have available to improve your control.

Great Glycemic Index Books

Low GI HandbookLow GI Shopper's Guide to GI Values 2012Low GI Eating Made Easy
For additional information on the glycemic index, Carb Counting and blood sugar control, we also recommend Using InsulinPumping Insulin or the Pocket Pancreas. You may also want to read about the Satiety IndexHow Carbs Vary, or check out Diet Books
Glycemic Index
All Bran51chocolate bar49cheese tortellini50baked44
Bran Buds + psyll45corn chips72fettucini32black beans, boiled30
Bran Flakes74croissant67linguini50butter, boiled33
Cheerios74doughnut76macaroni46cannellini beans31
Corn Chex83graham crakers74spagh, 5 min boiled33garbanzo, boiled34
Cornflakes83jelly beans80spagh, 15 min boiled44kidney, boiled29
Cream of Wheat66Life Savers70spagh, prot enrich28kidney, canned52
Frosted Flakes55oatmeal cookie57vermicelli35lentils, green, brown30
Grapenuts67pizza, cheese & tom60Soups/Vegetableslima, boiled32
Life66Pizza Hut, supreme33beets, canned64navy beans38
muesli, natural54popcorn, light micro55black bean soup64pinto, boiled39
Nutri-grain66potato chips56carrots, fresh, boil49red lentils, boiled27
oatmeal, old fash48pound cake54corn, sweet56soy, boiled16
Puffed Wheat67Power bars58french fries75Breads
Raisin Bran73pretzels83grean pea, soup66bagel, plain72
Rice Chex89saltine crakers74green pea, frozen47baquette, Frnch95
Shredded Wheat67shortbread cookies64lima beans, frozen32croissant67
Special K54Snickers bar41parsnips97dark rey76
Total76strawberry jam51peas, fresh, boil48hamburger bun61
Fruitvanilla wafers77pot, new, boiled59muffins 
apple38Wheat Thins67pot, red, baked93apple, cin44
apricots57Crackerspot, sweet52blueberry59
banana56graham74pot, white, boiled63oat & raisin54
cantalope65rice cakes80pot, white, mashed70pita57
cherries22rye68split pea soup w/ham66pizza, cheese60
dates103soda72tomato soup38pumpernickel49
grapefruit25Wheat Thins67yam54sourdough54
grapes46Cereal GrainsMilk Productsrye64
kiwi52barley25chocolate milk35white70
mango55basmati white rice58custard43wheat68
orange43bulgar48ice cream, van60Drinks
papaya58couscous65ice milk, van50apple juice40
peach42cornmeal68skim milk32colas65
pear58millet71soy milk31Gatorade78
pineapple66Sugarstofu frozen dessert115grapefruit juice48
plums39fructose22whole milk30orange juice46
prunes15honey62yogurt, fruit36pineapple juice46
raisins64maltose105yogurt, plain14  
watermelon72table sugar64    
*Actually, the GI indirectly measures a food's effect on blood sugar. It actually measured the "area under the blood sugar curve" following a set intake of that carb.


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